Estimasi Dinamik Jangka Panjang Terhadap Kualitas Air Untuk Pengendalian Eutrofikasi Pada Waduk Jatiluhur

EKo Winar Irianto, RW Triweko, Doddi Yudianto


Eutrophication is a regularly faced problem by reservoirs in Indonesia. However, this problem can be solved by technical measures including the conceptual model and numerical solution. In the context of such,objective of this paper had focused on the numerical simulation of reservoir water quality dynamics in
controlling eutrophication. The water quality parameters simulated include the parameters as prime causeof eutrophication such as total Nitrogen dan total Phosphorus, whereas eutrophication is indicated by thephytoplankton concentration and chlorophil-a. Dynamic simulation is needed to know the affect of pollutantloading variations to eutrophication dynamics. This study concentrated on the Jatiluhur Reservoir mainly onits morphometry and water quality parameters. Softwares used for this study include the Powersim
Constructor and WASP (Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program). Simulation results show that to remedy the eutrophicated Jatiluhur reservoir, an integrated method, that is, reduction of internal and externalloading mainly on Total Nitrogen dan Total Phosphorus loadings can be applied. Internal loading needs 50% nutrient loading reduction, while nutrients from external loading require at least 90% reduction.


Fitoplankton; eutrofikasi; klorofil-a; WASP; Waduk Jatiluhur; powersim; model dinamik


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Direktorat Bina Teknik Sumber Daya Air, Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat
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