Potential of Tidal Lowland For Irrigation Development in Merauke Regency Using Hydrodynamic Modelling 1D2D

Yudi Lasmana, Parlinggoman Simanungkalit, Muhammad Gifariyono, Ganggaya Sotyadarpita, L. Budi Triadi


Merauke Regency has three major rivers i.e Bian River, Kumbe River and Maro River (BIKUMA), the three rivers have large horizontal tidal potential. To know the potential of tides in the development of lowland irrigation in Merauke Regency needs to be studied. This study is supported by hydrometry and hydraulic surveys which has been conducted during the dry season during at spring tide and neap tide simultaneously for all three rivers. The survey included measuring river geometry activities with a range of 5 Km, river hydrometry measurements (observation of water fluctuations with proportional distances for model calibration and upstream river velocity for discharge). Limitations of river upstream measurements are limited by the distance where the Bian River along 125 Km, the River Kumbe along 171 km, and the Maro River along 66 km from the estuary. Then, performed a Sobek 1D hydrodynamic modeling that describes the movement of water from upstream into downstream. From the results of modeling is known that the water entering from the sea to the Bikuma River is greater than the water out to sea. The potential for tides is 1.7 Billion m3. Furthermore, the simulation of Sobek 1D2D to obtain the extent of natural condition, the area that can be inundated is 123.609 ha. Utilization of tidal potential can be channeled to the development zone through an integrated lowland irrigation water management system so that water utilization can be optimal.


Hydrodynamic model; tidal; lowland; irrigation; Bian river; Kumbe river; Maro river; Merauke Regency; SOBEK


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32679/jth.v9i1.432


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Copyright (c) 2018 Yudi Lasmana, Parlinggoman Simanungkalit, Muhammad Gifariyono, Ganggaya Sotyadarpita, L. Budi Triadi

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Direktorat Bina Teknik Sumber Daya Air, Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat
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