Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik is a forum for information in the field of Water Resources in the form of research results, literature studies and scientific writings related to Engineering in the field of water resources which includes hydraulic engineering (water flow patterns and dynamics) and water geotechnics and water flow characteristics in water resources infrastructure including weirs, dams, flood / sediment / debris control buildings, coastal protection buildings and swamp building structures. Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik is a continuation of the Pusair Bulletin, first published in 2010 with a frequency of publication twice a year in June and November in the printed version and electronic version. Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik is published by the Directorate of Water Resources Engineering Development, Ministry of Public Works and Housing. In 2020 for the 11th issue No.2, there was a change in the name of the journal publishing institution from the Center for Water Resources Research and Development to the Directorate of Water Resources Engineering based on the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Housing Number 13 of 2020 concerning Organization and Work Procedures of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing. Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik in collaboration with Professional Organizations such as Himpunan Ahli Teknik Hidraulik Indonesia (HATHI), Komite Nasional Indonesia untuk Bendungan (KNIBB), Komite Nasional Indonesia untuk Irigasi dan Drainase (KNI-ID).Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik was accredited by LIPI - Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Number No. 302/AU2/P2MBI/08/2010, concerning the Scientific Journal Accreditation results.
2nd Accreditation:
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik was Accredited as a Scientific Periodical Journal - Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Number 498/AU3/P2MBI‐LIPI/08/2012, concerning the Scientific Journal Accreditation results.
3nd Accreditation:
Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik was Accredited as a Scientific Periodical Journal - Decree of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences Number 693/AU4/P2MBI-LIPI/07/2015, concerning the Scientific Journal Accreditation results
Accreditation of Higher Education Research and Technology, Sinta S2
ISSN (Online): 2580-8087
ISSN (Print): 2087-3611
DOI: 10.32679/jth

Call for Papers |
Authors are invited to submit electronically Water Resources issues as well as community groups who care to participate in writing research articles, development or studies related to the field of Water Resources in the Jurnal Teknik Hidraulik. |
Posted: 2018-12-20 | More... |
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Table of Contents
Pemodelan Degradasi dan Agradasi Dasar Sungai dengan Beberapa Persamaan di Sungai Winongo Yogyakarta
DOI : 10.32679/jth.v15i2.768
Puji Harsanto, Galuh Nanda Sutri, Shakti Rahadiansyah, Surya Budi Lesmana
Perancangan Sistem Pengelolaan Air Hujan dengan Zero Run Off System di RSUD Kota Bogor
DOI : 10.32679/jth.v15i2.778
Nanda Nashiha Ihsani, Budi Indra Setiawan, Satyanto Krido Saptomo
Transformasi Gelombang Reguler Akibat Pemecah Gelombang Tiang Pancang Dua Baris Selang-Seling
DOI : 10.32679/jth.v15i2.787
Totok Suprijo, Gandhi Napitupulu, Juventus W.R. Ginting, Eduardo M. Simanjuntak, Faizal A.R. Abdullah, Faruq Khadami
Advancing Forensic Flood Analysis Through Hydraulic Physical Models
DOI : 10.32679/jth.v15i2.794
Miguel Angel Sanchez-Quijano, Alfonso Gutierrez-Lopez, Fernanda Gonzalez Lagunas