Pemanfaatan Sumber-Sumber Air untuk Mendukung Irigasi Pertanian Tebu di Kaki Gunung Tambora

yan adhitya wesda Wardhana, Derry Prasetya Putra Santosa, Heni Rengganis


Water resources in the mountain side area of Tambora not yet all identified, either in the form of springs, streams, well bore, and other sources of water, so the water source has not been utilized optimally. Right now, local Government of Dompu Regency is developing programs in order to support national Food Sovereignty called TERPIJAR (Sugar Cane, Cow, Corn and Seaweed) which have got recognition from various regions in Indonesia. This paper discussed the potential water sources, either in quantity or quality for various of their use, and will be discussed also specifically the effort, and strategy of irrigation system for sugar cane. In this paper, method were used is with the measurement of the quantity and quality of water sources, while the analysis of the potential of water resources in this area will be conducted based on the results of quantitative measurement, supported by field survey results, and secondary data that collected. The results of the analysis showed there were several rivers that could be used as a source of raw water for drinking, and for irrigation. The water sources are Kadindi River, Banyan River, Doropeti River, Nangakara River, Pekat River, Sori Tatanga River Karano Springs, Oi Wau Springs, Jurang SetanSprings, Oi Rao Springs, Dorenaru Springs and Padeangen Springs with the largest discharge is 1502 l/s and 12 bore wells and 5 dig wells. These results are expected to be used for development by the local Government and generally can be used for water resource management all over Indonesia.


Source of water; sugar cane; discharge; water quality; irrigation


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Direktorat Bina Teknik Sumber Daya Air, Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat
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